From today, it's exactly a month till I fly out to The Netherlands, and excitement is starting to build.I received my flight confirmation a few days ago knowing that I am flying Emirates, via Dubai obviously, and am over the moon that I get to take a 30kg bag! I sound like such a girl when I say that but I honestly don't know what to pack so my entire cupboad will have to tag along with me.
It's also exactly 1 week till my work contract finishes, so today marks alot of count downs. From there, its buyig a couple of necessitys, a huge bag being one of them and getting hold of my unabridged birth certificate ( which has taken 2 months already). You have to love South African home affairs.
Some of my Dutch friends have this saying, ' Hopakeetjies'
ho-pah-kay-chis, which basically means 'Lets do this/hell yeah'. But according to them its hards to translate, you have to truelly experience what it means. I only hope I will get the chance to experience a Hopajeetjies moment...maybe even a few...